Monday, August 10, 2009

"isms"...Quick and Cliche...

If Sexism = Specieism = Racism, is it aok to say Communism = Humanism = anthropomorphism?

Words are strewn together and '=' signs are placed between to denote that each word holds the same meaning or weight as the others. A=B=C. 1=1=1. Cow=pig=cat. Just not true.

Think. Think when you read. Think when you write. It's perfectly alright to disagree, debate. When a person or group holds views that are extreme and fundamental. Ask. Inquire. Does this make sense in ALL situations? Where did this idea stem from?

Saturday, August 1, 2009

A Vegan by any other name

Long before the onset of the growing "green movement" individuals wrote, lobbied, and supported for the rights of animals and rallied against the villains of corporate farmings and the ever-compromising politicians who do lip service to their globally minded constituents. Many of these well researched and well versed activists came to their views after being involved in the same industries they denounce. They knew stuff.

Today, the likes of Howard Lyman, John Robbins, and T. Colin Campbell comprehend and skillfully communicate, in a matter-of-fact, compassionate way, that our world cannot sustain its
ever-growing appetite for flesh. While they judge, they are not judgemental.

I would like to say this is the case for all who write exposes about the ethics of eating. Sadly, this is not the case. There walks among 'us' those who ARE judgemental, who name-call, who seem mean and downright nasty. Is this how they WANT to represent themselves? Are they aware that this is how they are seen - by "the choir".

This vilifying approach will convert no one (which is why I am not revealing about whom I am speaking). It creates more division.
Yeah, I understand where he's coming from. He's bitter. He's angry that we (vegans) are a minority of a minority (vegetarians). He's frustrated that there are so/too/hordes of people - smart and even compassionate people who compartmentalize and rationalize their flesh eating proclivities. Admittedly, I don't, however, have a firm grip on what he hopes to accomplish by such repeated and spiteful negativity. Any ideas?

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Ok, let's vegin...vegan...begin...

Seems like everyone one is bloggin', vloggin', texting, chatting, IMing or Ignorine-ing...and, well, I'm no different. Many out there are amazing writers. Some, well, not soo much. For me, well, structure of my sentences and the puntuation of my prepositions will, no doubt, be under scrutiny. People judge. That's what we do. Being judgmental, requires little capital of knowledge. The fine art of JUDGING, however, does.

In order to JUDGE, one must, well, know stuff. Be you Simon Cowell from Americal Idol or a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (you know, the Nobel Prize folks), ya gotta know about the topic in which you are judging. And to understand, really having a firm comprehension, requires a bit more than a cursory cruise through the latest newstand rag or a sarcastic sound-bite from a (usually white) monkey-suited, one-note-johnny, I-know-all talk show host. To know requires ...dare I say Actual reading, thought, and analysis. You remember analysis.

Yes, of course, we all have our preferences. I for one, enjoy organic -nothing-added peanut butter whilst my hubby thrills for the slippery smoothness of a mixture of partially hydrogenated soybean oil, palm oil, sugar, and..oh yes, peanuts.

So as - and if - my blog progresses, I hope you will read this (and anything else you read) with judgement based on knowledge, not hyperbole. Read stuff. Read more stuff. Think about the agenda from whence it came and come to your own conclusions.
